Windows Users Fear Korgo Virus
A new virus called Kongo can infect your Windows XP/2K system and record every action on your computer. Everything is sent back to the virus creator which they can use for their own purpose.
Just like the Sasser worm, you'll get the Korgo virus without doing anything. Simply by being connected to a network or the Internet without having a patched machine will leave you vulnerable and get attacked by the virus.
Windows has released a patch and can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/
一种命名为 "Korgo" 的电脑病毒对视窗XP会在你完全不知情的情况下受到感染(就像Sasser和Blaster)。
[url=http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-011.mspx下载安全补丁[/url] |