Design process, i believe there must be many approaches to deliver your design. Anyhow, it is disappointing that many local designers come out the design with loose contents. Articulation and embellishment might be a good expression, but a good design is not judged by its appearance or expression only. I guess that must be something is going wrong in local architecture education or maybe the tasteless of your clients. Some stresses on beautifying the plan, but eventually the building just looks like another building block. I believe in this era, plan should no longer a generator. Simple question, how would u design a box? Some might say your box looks plain, and mayb add some elements to make it looks nicer. Come on...i think it's time to wake up. |
发表于 5-4-2008 02:16 PM
想听听你的看法。我觉得是流行吧,十年后又不一样了。 |
发表于 7-4-2008 07:40 AM
回复 1# van_gogh_alive 的帖子
设计本来就是一门抽象的行业。试问在马来西亚有几个客户能无条件给你无限金钱的支持,让你自由发挥你的concept& idea ?
就算Frank Gehry, Herzog, Foster,甚至在世Gaudi 等大师级的Architect 免费帮你设计,我国有多少人能接受,能给他们无限金钱的支持让他们挥霍?答案-有,但不多! 那么那些小有名气的大马Architect, 你会吗?你愿意吗?
或许我见识少,经验不多,但我试过一切设计都从金钱,预算,把数量和盈利额推倒最高后再设计。 |
发表于 7-4-2008 02:15 PM
我认为任何设计都会有局限, 不管是时间,金钱,空间,人力,材料等等。但好的设计者会想办法克服这些局限而达到设计的目的。不管是work within/ around/ over the constraints。最重要是设计的人文和环境基本因素有照顾到。那就很好了!
千万不要设计超出common senses, 一切丢给enginneer/ contractor去搞定!搞不定就VO。这一点,我是万万不赞同的!!
[ 本帖最后由 ale02 于 7-4-2008 02:17 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 13-4-2008 02:01 AM
回复 3# chunkha 的帖子
I'm glad to hear your opinions....i do admit that cost is one of the considerations during design process...so does design has limit. Maybe some might have bigger mistake by declaring the exceptional design must need higher cost of construction. This may not true. In my experience, the cost hike up may due to national or even global issues, materials and also it may caused by the essence of management quality. In fact, a good design have nothing to do with the extent of the cost you put in. But it does come out from your radical thinking to relate the problems.
I believe a designer shall not submit themselves or under restraint. Never forget, you are the one to create quality of life. We should not blaming the money injected in particular project by resulting the poor design. Look at our school projects in the country, costing millions of ringgit, but there is not much different from the schools that i attended 20 years ago. Where's the problem is? Just because we are submitting ourselves to the so called standard. Look at the school projects in Singapore, it is not only interesting in terms of forms and colours, but also deriving a new environment for students.
I found an interesting article regarding problem-solving and programming the school project in Hong Kong. Have a look...
file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/My%20Documents/school-hongkong.jpg |
楼主 |
发表于 13-4-2008 02:21 AM
回复 5# van_gogh_alive 的帖子
file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/user/My%20Documents/school-hongkong.jpg |
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