reference : http://www.shark-pictures.com/
Angel Shark
體形:5 to 8 feet
食物:Flounders, shellfish, crustaceans
栖所:Bottom dwellers, prefering sand bottom
来自:Gulf of Mexico
特征:Looks more like a Stingray than a shark
Basking Shark
體形:Up to 50 feet (32 feet typical)
重量:4 to 6 tonnes
食物:Plankton, seaweed and small fish
栖所:Open water, Feed in shallow waters
特征:Is a filter feeder and can filter 2000 tonnes of water per hour.
Blacktip Reef Shark
體形:213 cm (7 ft) max
重量:14 kg (30.9 lbs) max
食物:Small fish, mollusks and crustaceans
栖所:Tropical waters and reef areas
来自:All tropical waters worldwide
特征:Usually hunt small fish in schools
Blue Shark
體形:Average 6 to 8 feet, biggest 10.5 feet
重量:250 to 500 pounds
食物:Mainly small fish and squid
栖所:Shallow reef areas
来自:Temperate and subtropical waters
特征:Often attacks and eats smaller sharks
Bramble Shark
體形:Up to 3.1m (10 feet)
重量:Up to 300 pounds
食物:Small sharks, boney fish, and crabs
栖所:Prefers deep water, 20m to 900m depth
来自:Warm waters around the equator
特征:Very rare shark, little is known about the Bramble
Broadnose Sevengill Shark
體形:Roughly 10 feet (3m)
食物:Sharks, rays, fish, seals, and carrion
栖所:Deep waters, up to 135m
来自:Temperate areas
特征:Has 7 gill slits (sharks normally have 5)
Bronze Whaler Shark
體形:3 to 3.5m (aound 10 feet)
重量:Up to 300kg
食物:Schooling fish, squid
栖所:Shallow reefs, beaches
来自:subtropical seas
特征:Have attacked humans many times
Bull Shark
體形:Up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft)
重量:230 kg (507 lb)
食物:Almost anything. mainly rays, turtles and birds
栖所:Bays, reefs, muddy rivers, often inland
特征:Can swim in fresh water, very aggressive due to the highest testosterone levels found in an animal
Carpet Shark
食物:Small fish, squid
栖所:Sandy bottom and reef
特征:Carpet sharks have two dorsal fins, without spines, and a small mouth that is forward of the eyes
Cat Shark
體形:Typically, 60cm to 70cm - max recorded 4m
食物:Invertebrates and smaller fish
栖所:Shallow reef and rocky bottom floors
来自:Warmer waters worldwide
特征:Has cat-like eyes and two small dorsal fins set far back
[ 本帖最后由 tommy2b 于 11-1-2008 10:43 AM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 10-1-2008 06:16 PM
Cookie Cutter Shark
體形:50 cm (20 in)
食物:Whales and large fish
栖所:Depths of about 1,000 m (3,300 ft)
来自:Worldwide in deep water
特征:To eat, the Cookiecutter attaches itself to a large fish and spins 360 degrees taking a piece of flesh
Frilled Shark
體形:Up to 2m
食物:Other sharks, squid, and bony fish
栖所:Depths of 120 m to 1,300 m
来自:Deep waters worldwide
特征:Looks like an Eel!
Gray Reef Shark
體形:Up to 2.5m
重量:Up to 2.5m
食物:Reef fishes, squids, octopus
栖所:Warm shallow reefs
来自:From the Red sea to the easter islands
特征:Not an aggressive shark
Goblin Shark
體形:Largest caught 12.6 feet
食物:Jacopever, octopuses and crabs
栖所:Deep waters up to 1200m
特征:Rarely seen, looks like a Goblin
Great Hammerhead Shark
體形:4 to 6m (6.1m largest recorded)
重量:Around 230kg (500lbs)
食物:Small sharks, rays and sting rays, squid and bony fish
栖所:Warm waters around continental shelves
来自:Worldwide in coastal areas
特征:Largest of the hammerhead shark species
Great White Shark
體形:Average 5m, largest 8.5m
重量:Up to 1900kg
食物:Smaller sharks, turtles, dolphins, and pinnipeds such as seals and sea lions
栖所:Cold waters, continental shelves
来自:Mainly cold waters around Australia, in South Africa and California
特征:Great White sharks often migrate from South Australia to South Africa every year
Greenland Shark
體形:8ft to 14ft (21ft longest ever measured)
食物:Fish, seals and carrion
栖所:Underneath ice in deep waters (up to 2000m)
来自:Greenland and Polar regions
特征:Greenland shark is poisonous when fresh. Flesh must be fully boiled before eating.
Grey Nurse Shark/Sand Tiger Shark
體形:3.2 m (about 10' 6")
食物:Smaller fish, rays and small sharks
栖所:Coastal waters, at depths of 10-60 metres
来自:Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans
特征:The Grey Nurse Shark was almost hunted to extinction by Australian spear fishermen
Lemon Shark
體形:1.5 to 2m
重量:Up to 180kg
食物:crustaceans, octopuses, stingrays, guitarfish, cowfish, seabirds
栖所:shallow water, grassflats, reefs
特征:Has the best eye sight of all shark species
Leopard Shark/Zebra Shark
體形:7 feet (2 m)
重量:Up to 150kg approx.
食物:worms, mollusks, crustaceans, octopuses, and small fish
栖所:Muddy bays and estuaries
来自:West coast USA
特征:Leopard sharks hunt in packs
[ 本帖最后由 tommy2b 于 11-1-2008 10:17 AM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 10-1-2008 06:37 PM
Megamouth Shark
體形:Around 4.5 m (14.6 ft)
重量:Up to 750 kg (1,650 lb)
食物:Plankton and jellyfish
栖所:Deep Water
特征:In the 30 years since its discovery only 35 Megamouth specimens have been caught or sighted.
Mustelus Hacet Shark
體形:1.2 m (4 feet)
栖所:Deep waters, 200+m
来自:Gulf Area
特征:Very little is known or documented on this species
Pacific Sleeper Shark
體形:Around 7m
食物:Giant squid and colossal squid
栖所:Deep cold waters
来自:Waters off Antarctica
特征:Feeds on giant sea animals that are more than twice it's size and weight
Porbeagle Shark
體形:3.7 m (12 feet)
重量:160-250 Kg (350-550 pounds)
食物:bony fish like mackerel, herring lancetfish and sauries
栖所:Coastal waters up to 700m
来自:Spead worldwide
特征:It is one of the fastest sharks
Prickly Shark
體形:Maximum 4m
食物:Small sharks, octopus, squid
栖所:depths between 11 to 425 meters
来自:Pacific, including Taiwan, New Zealand, Hawaii, California and Chile
Saw Shark
體形:Up to 2m
食物:Bony fish, shrimp, squids, and crustaceans
栖所:Depths of 40m and below
来自:waters from South Africa to Australia and Japan
特征:Saw sharks have blade-like snouts edged with teeth, which they use to slash and disable their prey
Shortfin Mako Shark
體形:9-13 feet (2.75 |
楼主 |
发表于 10-1-2008 06:58 PM
Swell Shark
體形:Up to 3m
食物:Large fish
栖所:Deep waters 500+ metres
来自:Pacific Ocean
特征:Swells itself up with water to make it look larger to its predators
Taiwan Gulper Shark
食物:Small fish
栖所:depths around 250 meters
Thresher Shark
體形:3 to 7.6m (depending on type)
重量:Up to 348kg
食物:Mainly schooling fish (such as bluefish, juvenile tuna, and mackerel)
栖所:Inshore and continental shelves
特征:Does not attack humans, however divers have been hit with the upper tail lobe
Tiger Shark
體形:average 3.25-4.25 meters (10-14 feet)
重量:325-425 kilograms (850-1400 pounds)
食物:fish, squid, birds, seals, other sharks, and sea turtles
栖所:coastal waters
来自:tropical and sub-tropical waters
特征:Is responsible for many FATAL attacks on humans
Whale Shark
體形:12 meters (39 ft) - largest 59ft
食物:phytoplankton, macro-algae, plankton, krill or nektonic life
栖所:Deep, warm waters
特征:The shark can circulate water at a rate up to 1.7 litres per second
Wobbegong Shark
體形:up to 3.2 m long
重量:Up to 80kg
食物:Small fish
栖所:Reefs and shelves
特征:Very aggressive and territorial and often attacks divers
[ 本帖最后由 tommy2b 于 11-1-2008 10:08 AM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 10-1-2008 07:17 PM
发表于 10-1-2008 07:23 PM
发表于 10-1-2008 09:16 PM
楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2008 02:42 AM
发表于 11-1-2008 10:38 AM
我想最常在电视上看到的是great white shark吧。。。
我觉得hammerhead shark最"靓仔",嘻嘻。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2008 10:47 AM
发表于 11-1-2008 11:06 AM
哇!好个鲨鱼痴。 |
发表于 11-1-2008 11:15 AM
1)Grey reer shark
2) Whitetip reef shark
3) Oceanic Whitetip shark
4) Blacktip reef shark
5) Carribean reef shark |
发表于 11-1-2008 11:37 AM
发表于 11-1-2008 01:31 PM
发表于 11-1-2008 06:00 PM
楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2008 09:38 PM
- operculum (gill cover)
- lateral line
- dorsal fin
- adipose fin
- caudal peduncle
- caudal fin
- anal fin
- photophores
- pelvic fins(paired)
- pectoral fins (paired)
Squatiniformes(angel sharks)
flat body身体是平的
2 dorsal fins有2个背飞翅
mouth in front嘴巴是在前面的
no anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* up to 15 species15个种类
* average 4.9 feet平均4.9英尺
* found in temperate and tropical waters可以在温和和热带水域中找到
Pristiophoriformes(saw sharks)
snout elongated口和鼻那部分比较长
mouth underneath.嘴在底下
no anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 5 species5个种类
* bentic(我还找不到这个是什么意思)
* eat small fish and crustaceans吃小鱼和甲壳纲
Squaliformes(dogfish sharks)
short snout 鼻子和嘴巴比较短
not sawlike or ray-like 不像锯子或ray
2 dorsal fins2背鳍
5 gill slits5个鳃裂缝
no anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 90 species90个种类
* deep waters在深海
* tropical and temperate seas热带和温和海
* Arctic and Antarctic北极州和南极州
Carcharinformes(ground sharks)
sliding flap that covers eyes滑盖眼睛的
2 dorsal fins2背鳍
5 gill slits5个鳃裂缝
no fin spines没有飞翅脊椎
anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 197 species197个种类
* tropical and temperate waters热带和温和水
* also bentic (我还找不到这个是什么意思)
* some live in fresh water有些活在淡水里
Lamniformes(mackerel sharks)
no sliding flap over eyes没有滑盖眼睛的
2 dorsal fins2背鳍
5 gill slits5个鳃裂缝
no fin spines没有飞翅脊椎
anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 16 species16个种类
* 1 to 32 feet1到32英尺
Orectolobiformes(carpet sharks)
mouth well in front of eyes嘴巴在眼睛的前面
2 dorsal fins2背鳍
5 gill slits5个鳃裂缝
no fin spines没有飞翅脊椎
anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 33 species33个种类
* in shore在岸上
* tropical waters在热带水
* huge difference in sizes在大小上的巨大的区别
Heterodontiformes(bullhead sharks)
dorsal fin spins背鳍旋转
2 dorsal fins2背鳍
5 gill slits5个鳃裂缝
anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 8 species8个种类
* most primitive最原始的
* found in temperate & tropical可以在温和和热带水域中找到
* bottom -dwelling住在底部
* oyster crusher牡蛎压碎器
Hexanchieformes(frilled and cow sharks)
6 or 7 gill slits6 或7 鳃裂缝
1 dorsal fin1背鳍
anal fin(这个看上面的图画)
* 5 species5个种类
* like living in deep water喜欢居住在深水中
* six or seven gills六片或七片鳃
[ 本帖最后由 tommy2b 于 14-1-2008 09:53 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 12-1-2008 05:12 PM
明知我“昂磨”超棒的,又放“昂磨” |
楼主 |
发表于 12-1-2008 05:20 PM
发表于 14-1-2008 08:29 PM
回复 18# 的帖子
第16楼 为什么没有照片的。。。 |
发表于 14-1-2008 08:52 PM
| |